Sunday, December 30, 2007

Srećan Božić

My Family
(Mama, Witt, Brittney, Daddy, Me) All of us grandchildren with our grandmother.

God has blessed us so much!! I had a wonderful Christmas and truly enjoyed spending time with all my family and eating lots of good food.

"Jer Bogu tako omile svet da je i Sina svog Jedinorodnog dao, da nijedan koji Ga veruje ne pogine, nego da ima život večni." ~Jovan 3:16

Monday, December 24, 2007

From the last two months

Time goes by so fast… I know is has been forever and I am not going to say that I will do better on updating my profile, because as you see I have not.
I first want to thank all of you for the emails and cards that you send me! I love reading each of them, and it is so good to hear how all of you are doing in Cacak. I miss being over there so much, but I know that one day I will come back and I am so excited about it.
So what have I been doing the past two months? Well, just the usual for me- school, work, riding my horses, and spending time with my family.
I had a good semester in school. The first week of December all I did was study, because we were taking our final exams. I did well on all of my exams, and now I am finished with school until January 7th. I will be able to be at home for three weeks, and I am enjoying every moment of it. We celebrate Christmas tomorrow (December 25), so we have been busy visiting all of my family, baking cookies, eating lots of good food, and spending time with my friends. As I help my mom decorate, wrap gifts, and cook, I think about Cacak and the different things y'all do for Christmas. I know that Christmas is not until January, but I remember all of the traditions we shared with each other in English Club. We had a wonderful time! My family and friends also enjoy hearing about how you celebrate Christmas differently in Serbia. I tell them so many stories :-)

My cousin, Hannah, likes to ride on my back backwards. She is so cute.

This is my class at work dressed up like Inidans for Thanksgiving. We had a good time singing songs and eating our turkey and dressing.

Eating at Olive Garden with my roommates. It is always good to go eat a good supper and take a break from studying.
Candie and Junior- my new horses I got after Thanksgiving.
"A Bog nade da ispuni vas svake radosti i mira u veri, da imate izobilje u nadi silom Duha Svetog." ~Rimljanima 15:13
Jako mi nedostajes i volim te!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I know it's been awhile... I'm sorry!

Hello to all my dear friends in Cacak that I miss so much!! I love you all and I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've written on my blog. (I'm going to try to do better updating...) School is going good this semester. I like my classes and they are not too hard. It just seems that the reading is endless and that I'll never get it all done. Work is what keeps me so busy right now! When I'm not at school, it always seems that I'm working. I enjoy my job and the kids, but some days become very long and tiring. In addition to school and work, I spend as much time as I can with my family, friends, and horses.

UAB v. Tulane
(American Football) me and Jenny at the game me and Teresa at the game riding horses with my mom
me and Diana
Diana's so pretty :)
Me and Little Man on the move...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Moja Porodica!

My family went to Florida for the weekend. God blessed us with a great trip and beautiful weather!
MamaWitt (my brother) and Brittney (my sister)
"Evo dan, koji stvori Gospod! Radujmo se i veselimo se u nj!"
~Psalmi 118:24
"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today!"
~Psalm 118:24

Sunday, August 26, 2007

At Work: Brayden, Halie, Elizabeth and Hudson acting silly.

George making an airplane from play-dough.

Elizabeth and her play-dough pizza.

At home with my horses:

Me, Crackers, and Little Man; Crackers is the little kitten that showed up at our house while I was in Serbia. He is so sweet.

Little Man and Dianna

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hello from Alabama!

Hello to all my friends in Čačak! First of all I want to thank you for my amazing summer. It was a wonderful experience and each of you made it that way. I think about y'all a lot and all the good times we had together at English Club, softball practices, the Morava river, the hospital, your homes, Bible Study, football games, and so many other things I was able to be apart of. My family and friends have enjoyed hearing all about my trip and seeing my pictures.
I made it home safely; however, it was a long trip. I missed my flight in Washington due to the number of people trying to get through customs and security. It was so crowded. I was able to catch a later flight and finally made it home around 1:00 Saturday morning (Aug. 4). My family was so happy to see me, and I was glad to see them too. Since then I have been busy visiting all my family, and this past Moday I started working back at the same day care I was before I left for Serbia. I am teaching a four-year old class this year. They are a lot of fun, but keep me going!

Brittney's, my sister's, birthday was August 8th. We went down to the beach (Gulf Shores, AL) together for a few days (Aug. 9- Aug. 11). I enjoyed spending time with her. Below are a few pictures from our trip:

I miss you all and pray for each of you everyday!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Counting Down the Days

Taking the time to sit down and write has not been a top priority of mine the past couple weeks, so I'm very sorry to have you wondering what is happening over here. For the most part all things are going good... I finished therapy Monday. I had an additonal 5 days since the last time I updated, and I truly believe it was from God. He has had me at the hospital since June 15th. After much prayer and looking back now, I know my ministry there was not finished on July 16th like I thought it would be. God had different plans and wanted me there until July 23rd. I praise Him for the opportunties I had to share with all those I met about God's amazing love and continue to pray for each one of them daily. This past week was my last week to teach and the last week of classes for the summer. I had a fun week teaching, but it's been hard knowing it was my last week. The days have been hot here- in the 100s- so attendance was low, but for the faithful ones who always come I enjoyed just talking with them in English. It so neat how many of them knew no or little English prior to English CLub and now (with the help of all the Serbian they've taught me too) we are able to understand each other and carry on conversations. It's so amazing! I love them all and will miss them dearly. So with all that said and trying to realize that this time next week I'll be at home in Sylacauga, AL it's hard to say that I'm doing very well right now. God has been giving me the strength that I need to continue on with each day, because I've been torn between two completely opposite emotions of my desire to see my family and friends back in the States and the longing I have to stay here. I will dearly miss the friendships I've made with so many Serbs, the missionary families, and my teammates. I feel like I can call Cacak home now, too. I absolutely love it here and God has greatly blessed me. I cannot write much more at this time. I know that I will start tearing up. My emotions are broken between two places I can now call home. But beyond any feelings I have for anyone or any place, I have to remember that God is the one who brought me here. I have been able to serve him for two months overseas- a desire of mine for many years. Now, as the time for me to leave approaches, I have to remember that He is still at work the next five days I have here in Cacak and has more in store for when I get back to Alabama. I just have to keep following and be faithful to wherever he calls me.
Me, Shelly, Dragana, and Mirela
Tamara, Marija, Me, and Shelly
Me, Dragica, and Dragana
Me and Snezana
Mirjiana, Renata, Me, Dusica

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Wow! Little did I realize when I came to Serbia that for what seemed to be about half my stay here I would be at the hospital each day. Monday will be my last day there, and I have mixed feelings about it. I am so thankful my finger has most of its abilities back, and I praise God for healing my hand. However, its the people that I will truly miss. I thank Him so much for the compassionate friends, therapists, and doctors that have helped me in this healing process. They have all been so kind to me! Being there for three weeks, they got used to me coming each day at 12:30 and they recognized me. Whether I know their names or not, I remember their faces and pray for them daily. All of them were so friendly and tried to speak to me in English- like "Hello!" "How are you?" and "Bye". Part of my heart will always be with these people, because I have been able to see God use my accident to share with others about the comfort and love that He has provided me with through this entire experience of which at first I thought was just a burden and now I see it as a blessing. He is God though and with Him all things are possible (Matt. 19:26)!

Jelena and Me at the hospital Friday.

Jula, Me and Jelena

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Our Adventure:
Budva, Montenegro

Ivana, Bojana, Bozana~ These three sisters made my trip so wonderful. They took Shelly and me on a walk around Budva Thursday night, and I just enjoyed talking to all of them and being around their kind hearts.

Shelly and me on the beach.

It's all of us again!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

As I was spending time alone with God, He really just spoke to me through the this week, "Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say." Exodus 4:12 It has reassured me that God is never going to leave me and on top of it all He will be the one giving me the words to say. I should never worry about what others think, because when God provides the time, he will also give me wisdom in what to say. This week I have been able to share what God means to me with some people here. I try to explain that He is the one who comforts, strengthens, and loves me so much and I want other people to feel that same love that God has filled my life with. It's been such an encouragement to see God touching my life and the friends I have made here! He is so good!!

I have really enjoyed my weekend. It was so much fun and I got to see many different things here in Serbia. Saturday morning Mirela, Dragana, and Jovana took us on a road trip and we had an absolutely wonderful time! The first thing we did after our two hour bus ride was climb up this hill that was very steep to the Wooden Village at the top. Coming down was more difficult than the hike up and next time I will not wear flip flops. However, Dragana did teach us a trick on coming down - walk down sideways - and it worked.

My class last Friday. We have a break this week and they all talked about how much they will miss it. I know I'm going to miss spending time with them too. They are so nice and teach me as much Serbian as I teach them English. It's been fun.

One of the many pictures from our train ride. I think it was a little over two hours. We went through many tunnels and all throughout the mountains. I just loved seeing the beautiful countryside of Serbia. It was gorgeous!

Sunday morning at the "Funny Boat Race" in Kraljevo. It was nothing that I expected it to be, but I'm glad I went for the experience and really enjoyed my time there. To sum up the event in a few words, it would be a party on the river with thousands of people just having a good time.

Yes, it was cold at the start of our day Sunday.

Snezana, me, Katarina, and Mirela waiting for the rafts to come down the river. We would ride the bus ahead of the rafts, then wait to watch come by.

There were all sorts of rafts. On this one, they were roasting a pig.

Today, Nemanja wanted a picture us together. He wanted all to know back home that I'll be better when I get back. My hand is so much better, but I still have to work it a lot and some days are more painful than others. I have seven more days of therapy; then I'll be on my own.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

just a few new pics

Dragana teaching us how to cook a Serbian dish. It was very good!

My favorite place at the river to spend time alone with God.

These are my teammates: Jacob, Me, Shelly, and Damian

Morning English Club :)

Ratko, Gordana, Jennifer, Me, Shelly

My physical therapist, Nemanja, has even started coming to English Club.

These are just a few more pics. I know everyone enjoys seeing them. The past few days have gone well!
